Jared Schmidt

Jared Schmidt was born in Fresno, California, and grew up in the areas of Coarsegold, Fresno, and Clovis. While attending Gibson Elementary in Fresno Unified, Jared’s teachers encouraged him to get involved with the Special Olympics sporting events, launching his athletic career. In 2003, with coaching from his parents and Break the Barriers, Jared represented the United States Special Olympics Team in Ireland, winning six medals in gymnastics, including three silver medals and one gold in the All Around. In 2009, he represented the United States in downhill skiing at the World Games, Idaho, winning three silver medals. He is a Global Messenger for Special Olympics International, giving speeches to education, promoting the mission, and encouraging athlete participation, volunteerism, and support for the cause. Jared is a key team member of Break the Barriers, where he has taken up archery, winning second place at the 2021 Vegas Shoot Championship. Jared loves to dance, ride his horse, watch movies, and spend time with family.