Case Studies

Resurrection of the Drums

The Resurrection of the Drums project involved Sanger High School students repairing and refurbishing the school’s older marching drums.

The Resurrection of the Drums project involved Sanger High School students repairing and refurbishing the school’s older marching drums. During the process, students learned how to repair and maintenance equipment and how to work together as a team to build and gain new skills. The Resurrection of the Drums project went over a lot of problematic areas in the drumming community, including the appreciation for management of inventory and equipment, the importance of taking care of equipment and the importance of utilizing resources. Students learned how to change heads and applied their musical knowledge to learn how to tune the drums, which helped them gain better knowledge of what kind of sounds the adjudicators look for during competitions. Students gained an appreciation of taking an object and bringing it back to life. 

Academic Year